Successful GSC meeting and country project ceremony held in Kinshasa

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The Second Annual DGM Global Steering Committee (GSC) Meeting was held in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) from April 25-28 alongside two events to announce the DGM country project in DRC.

At a ceremony held in Kinshasa on April 25, the DRC Chief of Cabinet of the Ministry of Environment, Conservation of Nature, and Sustainable Development was present to announce and voice support for the DGM country project in DRC. The DGM GSC Co-Chair from DRC spoke about the DGM to a group of roughly 40 stakeholders including government members. The following day, Caritas DRC signed a grant agreement with the World Bank finalizing Caritas’ role as the National Executing Agency for DRC.

The objective of the project in DRC is to strengthen the capacity of targeted Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLC) in selected territories and at the national level to participate in REDD+ oriented land and forest management activities. The project includes three components: 1) reinforce the participation of IPLCs in forest and land management processes related to REDD+; 2) support community-based sustainable forest and land management; and 3) increase the Capacity to Implement Development Activities for IPLCs and consolidate feedback.

In addition to the two events, committee Members from 9 countries convened for the Second Annual GSC meeting. Members from Burkina Faso, DRC, Ghana, Indonesia, Mexico, and Philippines were joined by observes from the DGM in Côte d’Ivoire, Mozambique, and Republic of Congo. The World Bank, Forest Investment Program, and Caritas DRC attended as observers, and Conservation International, as the Global Executing Agency, organized the meeting.

During the sessions, status updates on implementation were provided for the country projects and the global project, and Members approved the global project Year 2 Workplan and Budget (pending modifications) and a common monitoring and reporting framework for the program.  The Committee voted to form three sub-committees: a Workplan and Budget Sub-Committee; a Grievance Redress Mechanism Sub-Committee; and a Communications, Advocacy, and Outreach Subcommittee.