2021 DGM Global Learning Fellows' Spotlight

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Between June and October 2021, DGM Global’s first cohort of Global Learning fellows successfully completed fellowship activities culminating in 13 knowledge products, over 100 total hours of e-learning, and 9 hours of knowledge exchange.

DGM Global Learning Fellows engaged in virtual knowledge exchange by attending and presenting in knowledge sharing sessions centered around gender equity and inclusion and community-led solutions to the climate crisis. These sessions provided fellows and DGM audiences with the opportunity to learn from one another’s best practices in agroforestry, climate smart agriculture, community enterprises, gender, social Inclusion, land governance, and more and potentially adapt these practices to their local context.

DGM fellows also completed online courses on Indigenous Peoples and the United Nations, equality and non-discrimination, gender and the environment, integrating climate change in national and local policy, environmental management and leadership, sustainability and environmental education, sustainable development goals for businesses, youth and climate change, and more.  

As part of the knowledge development and dissemination component of the fellowship, fellows created informative and engaging creative knowledge products to share with their communities and global audiences. Some of these knowledge products include videos, blogs, virtual workshop series, and brochures.

The 2021 cohort of DGM Global fellows demonstrated incredible commitment and effort throughout the fellowship. The DGM Global Executing Agency congratulates Edna Correia, Dommebale Dabire, Abibata Zan, Cilicia Enriquez, Laura Jimenez, Chancelvie Ipemba Peya, Appolinaire Zongo, and Guadalupe Pacheco on their extraordinary work and engagement in the DGM Global Fellowship. Join us in congratulating this talented group of Indigenous and Local community fellows from Burkina Faso, Republic of Congo, Mexico, and Brazil!

We present their various knowledge products, below:

Appolinaire Zongo - DGM Burkina Faso

Cilicia Enriquez - DGM Mexico

Laura Jimenez - DGM Mexico

Abibata Zan - DGM Burkina Faso


Guadalupe Pacheco - DGM Mexico

Chancelvie Peya - DGM Republic of Congo

Edna Correia - DGM Brazil

Dabire Dommebale - DGM Burkina Faso



Chloe Hans-Barrientos