GSC co-chairs participate in training on Negotiations in the Indigenous World

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The newly inducted Global Steering Committee co-chairs Mina Setra and Idrissa Zeba will be participating in an interactive round table hosted by Oxfam, Conservation International, and Rainforest Foundation to exchange with Ciaran O’Faircheallaigh, Professor at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia, who will highlight some of the key findings from his recent book Negotiations in the Indigenous World: Aboriginal Peoples and the Extractive Industry in Australia and Canada. Professor O’Faircheallaigh has over two decades of experience working with indigenous peoples on agreement making, and will share key findings from his analysis of 45 negotiations between indigenous peoples and mining companies in Australia and Canada. Participants will exchange on their varied experiences with negotiation processes around extractive industry projects and will consider the potential for drawing on best practice from industrialized countries for application to developing countries.     
