Sustainable Development and the DGM in Central Africa

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In the spirit of collaboration and knowledge sharing, we are pleased to announce a joint endeavor between the DGM projects in the Republic of the Congo and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, with the support of the Conference on Dense and Humid Forest Ecosystems of Central Africa (CEFDHAC). From August 3-7, 2017, these partners will be hosting a subregional capacity-building workshop in Ouesso, in the Sangha Department of the Republic of the Congo, on “Indigenous Peoples, Revenue-Generating Activities, and Sustainable Development,” which will be followed by the launch of a new framework for sharing knowledge about the DGM in Central Africa.

© Conservation International/photo by John Martin

© Conservation International/photo by John Martin

The activity has two primary objectives:

-          Sharing examples and building capacity for revenue-generating projects contributing to REDD+ and Sustainable Development Goals with targeted IPLC participants

-          Sharing useful information about the DGM as one mechanism for financing such activities and establishing a framework for sharing DGM knowledge within Central Africa.

This event is expected to have up to 25 participants, in addition to trainers and support staff, representing six countries (Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Republic of the Congo) as well as six projects/organizations (CEFDHAC,  DGM Congo, DGM DRC, DGM Global, the IPLC Network for the Sustainable Management of Central African Forest Ecosystems – REPALEAC, and the Indigenous Peoples of Africa Co-ordinating Committee – IPACC).

For questions about this event, please contact:

Parfait Dihoukamba
+242 066694204


Lambert Laki-Laka
+242 055324316