Updates from DRC on Ituri Province

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Picture from Kapupu.JPG

Photo received from: Kapupu Diwa Mutimanwa, 2021

On Thursday, January 14th, 46 Indigenous Pygmy people were killed in the eastern DRC province of Ituri, Democratic Republic of Congo by armed groups identifying themselves with local militias. The networks of Indigenous Pygmies stepped up to vehemently condemn the massacre, insist on the urgency of conducting an independent investigation, and call for action from the government to attend to this situation.

DGM Global expresses their deepest condolences to the families of the victims and condemns these despicable and horrific acts perpetrated against the Indigenous Pygmy peoples. These recent tragic events have also motivated Indigenous leaders to advocate for support of the affected communities. Read below for an update shared by LINAPYCO President and member of the DGM GSC, Kapupu Diwa Mutimanwa:

On January 22, 2021, a delegation of Indigenous Pygmies (LINAPYCO, DGPA, REPALEF, UDEM) with the support of the Ministry of Customary Affairs had a meeting with the Vice-Prime Minister, Minister of the Interior, Security and Customary Affairs about the massacre of Indigenous Pygmy Peoples in the Province of Ituri and on the strategies and solutions to be put in place. The next steps identified in the meeting included an official request for an audience with the Head of State and a request from the VPM to the Indigenous organizations to collaborate with the State in order to find a lasting solution to the multiple problems that the Indigenous Pygmies face in various provinces.

Learn more:

DRC: UN calls for stronger efforts to end violence in Ituri | UN Info (1.15.21)

Networks of Indigenous Pygmies condemn the massacre in the province of Ituri | peuplesautochtones.cd (1.19.21)

Statement of Indigenous Peoples in Ituri 2021 | LYNAPICO (1.20.21) EN / FR

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