Local Forest Communities Support Project

Project Document
US$4.5 million
Forest Investment Program Approval: June 2015
World Bank Approval: September 2015
Implementation: September 2015 - June 2021
National Steering Committee: List
National Executing Agency: IUCN Burkina Faso

Climate Investment Funds | World Bank

Objective: Strengthening the capacity of targeted local communities in targeted regions of Burkina Faso to participate in REDD+ programs at local, national, and global levels

Sustainable Livelihoods

DGM Burkina Faso provides funding for the development of sustainable livelihoods for the country’s local communities. These livelihoods, such as handicraft production, agroforestry, and renewable energy generation, minimize negative impacts on forests. These microprojects are evaluated by the project’s steering committee and designed and implemented by communities and community-based organizations to ensure alignment with community priorities.

Natural Resource Management

The project also supports projects focused on land and natural resource management. These projects are intended to address an established environmental concern or to support activities that do not generate income. Examples include study tours, promotion of environmental education, translation and dissemination of land-related laws, creation of tree nurseries, and soil and water conservation activities.

Gender Focus

Gender has been an important focus for DGM Burkina Faso. Each subproject proposal is evaluated, in part, based on its approach to gender and social inclusion. Many of the project’s approved subprojects are designed and led by women’s organizations, and over 60% of all project beneficiaries have been women.